And Then There Were None

Rating: 5/5

Title: And Then There Were None
Author: Agatha Christie
Genre: Fiction, Mystery
Pages: 316
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN-13: 9780007282319

Although I enjoy reading Agatha Christie’s novels over and over again, there are a few books that fascinate me every time I read them. One of them (and my all time favorite, too!) is this particular book. From an exceptionally thought out plot to an array of interesting characters and a totally unexpected climax, it has the perfect ingredients for an even perfect story.

Twelve people are invited to a lonely island to spend a few days in a house supposedly owned by the host. Upon arriving, they realize that they have all been tricked. Inside the house they hear a voice accusing each person with an offense they had committed earlier in their lives. The story continues with everyone getting mysteriously killed, one by one until there are none. Who is the mastermind behind these murders and what the motive is, is all revealed toward the end of the book.

I have read this book around three times already and still can’t seem to get enough! This is definitely Christie’s masterpiece. A must read.


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