Cometh The Hour - The Clifton Chronicles #6

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Title: Cometh The Hour
Author: Jeffrey Archer
Genre: Fiction, Drama
Pages: 416
Publisher: Pan Macmillan India
ISBN-13:  978-1509827404

Rating: 4/5

Having read and reviewed the previous installment of this high intense drama series, I didn't waste anytime being updated with the latest one. Cometh the Hour, the sixth part of the Clifton Chronicles, leaves me speechless, but that's nothing new. It is Archer, what else can you expect?

The book begins with the jury wanting to know the contents of Alex Fisher's letter that he wrote before he died. When the same are revealed, it changes the course of the case and Emma wins hands down. On the other hand, Giles successfully gets Karin out of Germany and reunites her with her father. He is finally enjoying his time with her when another twist in the story appears. Sebastian falls in love with an Indian girl, Priya, but her parents are too orthodox to allow her to marry someone outside her caste. Not wanting to give up, Sebastian travels all the way to Mumbai to win his girl. Meanwhile, Harry and Emma make a trip to Sweden as Anatoly Babakov is announced as the Noble Prize winner for literature. Mrs. Babakov eagerly awaits her husband's arrival but fate has other plans for them. Sebastian visits Jessica's school in the States for an art exhibition where he purchases all her paintings but he has to make sure that neither she nor Samantha finds out who the buyer is. But is he successful? Karin makes a trip to visit her father(is he really?) which, sadly, ends with tragic consequences.

Archer has done it again! How he does it, is beyond my grasp, but a hell of a read!(excuse my expression). The story never seems too lengthy or dull as Archer constantly feeds us with exciting twists and turns. There a lot of events that happen in this particular book, some characters lost and some gained, but I'd rather not reveal them. The next and last book of the series would be coming out sometime in November 2016, as it says at the end of the book. Well, I can't wait to get my hands on it! An extraordinary series topped with the brilliant storytelling skills that only Archer possesses. A bestseller indeed!


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