Book Review: Mary Poser - Butterflies and White Lies as Bollywood Comes to Nashville

Title: Mary Poser - Butterflies and White Lies as Bollywood Comes to Nashville
Author: Angel A
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Angel's Leap

Rating: 4/5

The just released Mary Poser by Angel A, is a comfy, warm romance between a Nashville girl and an Indian film director. The first book by the author, Angel A doesn’t fail to impress us with her wordy and storytelling skills.

The story is about Mary Poser, the good Nashville bred daughter of the Poser household. Being the daughter of a Baptist pastor, she, along with her siblings, are brought up with strict Christian values (although not everyone conforms). A country music lover, Mary works towards helping the newly disabled people with housing services and makes sure they receive all amenities they deserve. It is when she attends the Nashville Film Festival with her besties, Alice and Chloe, that she bumps into the handsome Simha Das, an Indian filmmaker and they are instantly drawn towards each other. His charming and polite ways fascinate Mary and they spend some beautiful time together. After he leaves, Mary has a fatal accident. She is confused as her near death experience forces her to contemplate their relationship/friendship. Mary goes into a radio silence after a wonderful night with him on his return and Simha is left struggling for answers.

Mary Poser is a good love story between two people who are worlds apart. But their differences only bring them closer. The book is very well written, with extravagant details about the Christian way of life, which could have been condensed bit, in my opinion. The narrative is smooth and the characters well defined. The background detailing on Mary and Simha are adequately done. The book moves at a good pace with moments of helplessness, togetherness and fear thrown along in a beautiful romance which completes the picture.

I enjoyed reading the book, the romance and the ifs and buts that come with it. As mentioned earlier, it is well written and the characters remain with you long after you’ve finished the book. Especially Simha’s. One can hear his deep throated voice and feel his beautiful body through the words. That’s the magic that the author weaves, leaving us wanting for more.

The book is also being made into a movie. Yeah, that's right! Teasers of the same would soon be uploaded on the official website here.

Last word. Mary Poser is stimulating, exciting and gives you the warm fuzzies in the end. A satisfying feeling indeed! A good choice for romance lovers, go for it!

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 *** This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. ***


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