Book Review: Semmanthaka - The Second Quest

Title: Semmanthaka - The Second Quest
Author: Dr. Syd K
Genre: Fiction, Literature, Mythology
Pages: 262
Publisher: Zorba Books

Rating: 4/5

Semmanthaka: The Second Quest by Dr. Syd K is a mythological fiction that enthrall the readers in the quest of the fabled magical gem, Semmanthaka. Although there have been mentions of the Semmanthaka in our ancient texts, this book has brought its story out for us to dwell on it once again. After a series of recreations of the Mahabharata and Ramayana and other epics, this book directs us to a new treasure that, in my opinion, has not been in the limelight much.

Dr. Balaan, a freelance marine archaeologist, along with his assistant, Yogi, are summoned by Stalin Malhotra, a wealthy treasure seeker, to find the Semmanthaka gem. With an ancient text for a clue, the duo begins their journey towards finding this age old treasure but soon hit a dead end. What happens next transpires to be a magical, unbelievable journey that both Dr. Balaan and Yogi undertake. Soon, they realize that this quest of the Semmanthaka is much more than just simply finding it. There is history involved, and also the present state of the world which all hangs in a delicate balance which can only be saved if the Semmanthaka is found. An exciting journey that involves climbing the Himalayas to foraging in the Rann of Kutch to boat rides in the sea, the clock is ticking away as the duo looks for the Semmanthaka.

Semmanthaka: The Second Quest is a quick and absorbing read. For someone who enjoys mythological fiction, I simply couldn't put the book down. Yes, it is not the best of books I have read in the genre but it didn't disappoint at all. The transitions from history to the present day were neatly done, the credit goes to the narrative. The story is an adventurous tale in which the reader gets easily engrossed. The writing style is spot on with just enough details and descriptions with respect to characters and situations.

The story line is well plotted and the events that take place are truly enchanting. A string of surprises and twists in it enhances the reader's experience further to make it a thoroughly enjoyable read. The way the story ends is unexpected, in a good way. All in all, a well balanced story, with the passion for Krishna and Bhaaratvarsha quite relevant through the pages.

Last word. If you are a mythological fiction buff, then you mustn't miss this book. Truly, a gem of a book! (pun very much intended!)

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 *** This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. ***


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