Book Review: Wants and Desires - A Psychological Thriller
Title: Wants and Desires - A Psychological Thriller Author: Chitrangada Mukherjee Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Murder Pages: 134 Publisher: Chitrangada Mukherjee Rating: 4/5 A classic who-dun-it with a subtle but admirably mysterious background, Wants and Desires by Chitrangada Mukherjee is a good psychological thriller, perfect for a rainy weekend. Sukanto Bhattacharjee dies suddenly soon after his 35th birthday in his house. He is found in his study, with his head on the desk and arms wrapped around it, as if sleeping peacefully. He leaves behind his mother, his wife and friends and they are all suspects, according to the police. A letter is found hidden under a crystal jug in the study, which doesn't seem quite like a suicide note but definitely hints towards it. The suspects, each with their own vice, talk kindly of the deceased but one of them is the murderer. If it was a murder after all. I was so proud reading this book. Ou...