Book Review: From Yesterday
Title: From Yesterday Author: Anupam Dasgupta Genre: Fiction, Romance Pages: 224 Publisher: Frog Books Rating: 3.5/5 From Yesterday by Anupam Dasgupta is a tale about romance, heartbreak and sacrifice. Although I wouldn't say I am excited about the book, but it does have instances which capture the melancholy of love lives in a subtle manner. Adi falls in love with Anita almost immediately after they meet for the first time. What started off as a casual online chat, develops into a sweet, caring relationship. But Anita comes with a lot of baggage from her past. Having suffered with relationships and the fact that she is much older than Adi, doesn't make it easy for her to commit wholeheartedly to a fulfilling relationship. When she breaks up with Adi for the very same reason, he is torn apart. Years later, he is in Chicago and meets Christina who seems to have fallen in love with him. But when he sees a reflection of Anita on The Be...