Book Review: Origin (Robert Langdon #5)
Title: Origin
Author: Dan Brown
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Mystery
Pages: 544
Publisher: Bantam Press (Penguin Random House)
Rating: 4/5
Although I wasn't the first ones to pre order this book, I had Origin
Robert Langdon is back to what he does best. Solving a mystery. Only this time, it doesn't involve religious symbols or codes. Langdon is invited to an event in Bilbao by Edmond Kirsch, a friend and former student, where shocking discoveries would be revealed by him. Edmond claims that these discoveries would change the course of mankind and especially affect the religious institutions all over the world. People from all over the world watch as the presentation goes live, when Edmond is shot dead just before he reveals his discoveries. Shocked and enraged, Langdon along with the future Queen of Spain, race against time and unknown patriarchs who try their best to keep the discoveries under wraps.
I find myself comparing Origin
The argumentative topic in the book is this - Will God survive Science? By the end of the book, many secrets are revealed giving a much needed closure to the readers after the adventurous journey. Just like in the previous book Inferno
Needless to say, I most definitely enjoyed Origin
Definitely recommended.
Read my review of Dan Brown's previous book, Inferno, here.
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