Rating: 4/5 Title: The Secret of the Nagas Author: Amish Tripathi Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Pages: 414 Publisher: Westland ISBN-13: 9789381626344 I ordered this book on Flipkart and couldn't wait to get my hands on it! As soon as it arrived, I had it covered (the snake on the cover scares me!!) and dug into it – pronto! The story starts off where the previous book, The Immortals of Meluha, had concluded. Shiva succeeds in saving Sati from the hideous Naga who killed his dear friend Brahaspathi back in Meluha. The story moves forward with the introduction of several new characters. Amongst the primary ones is Sati’s sister Kali – The Queen of the Nagas. Sati gives birth to Karthik but soon discovers that her elder son, Ganesh, is still alive and that he is none other than the Naga who has been following her from Meluha. Shiva reaches Branga, where he hopes to find some clue about the Nagas. There he realizes that due to a plague in...