Wise and Otherwise : A Salute to Life

Rating: 3.5/5

Buy Wise and Otherwise : A Salute to Life: Book

Title: Wise and Otherwise : A Salute to Life
Author: Sudha Murthy
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 232
Publisher: Penguin Books
ISBN-13: 9780143062226

Yet another splendid book by Sudha Murthy, this time with real incidents out of her experience closet. As is the case with the rest of her books that I've had the pleasure reading, this one too leaves the reader with a distinct humbleness and sometimes, with a disturbing truth.

This book is a set of short stories (true occurrences), that took place with the author herself. As the strong, open minded and always-ready-to-help woman that she is, Mrs. Murthy's stance in majority of these stories highlights the plight of the common man/woman in India. Whether it is a rank holder with a poor financial background or an educated and working married woman, the height of helplessness is so prominent that it moved me to tears. On the other hand, there are also tales of those helped by the author reminiscing and being grateful that humbles her, leaving a smile on her face.

Short,nice and touching stories of humanity irrespective of caste, creed or religion. This book is a refreshing change to the cooked up stories that we usually read. Highly recommended.

PS: In these stories Sudha Murthy mainly talks about her experiences as the head of Infosys Foundation, a non-profit organisation, that reaches out to those in need in the far interiors of Indian villages. The book has compelled me to check their website out. For those interested, here is the link:  Infosys Foundation


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